This essay is Part Two of the Who Can Play? Race, Gender, and Bodies series. The introduction that follows below…
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This essay is Part One of the Who Can Play? Race, Gender, and Bodies series. The introduction that follows below…
Part 6: Conclusion (& Bibliography). The case study of erythropoietin in the Tour de France is intriguing precisely because it…
Part Five: The discourses surrounding banned performance-enhancing techniques perpetuate gendered and raced narratives of natural difference. Biological difference is predicated…
Part Four: “Natural” is Discourse. What is coded as a “natural” body is not a natural inevitability at all, but discursively…
Part Three: Case Study. The body, with all its gendered and racialized associations, became the concept through which cycling as…
Part Two: Background. The history of drug testing in sports is specifically a history of regulating physical bodies.
Part One: Introduction. Modern illicit performance-enhancing techniques serve to reify the idea of a “natural” body.