The recent passage of 3 anti-trans bills in Arkansas — SB354, HB1570 and SB289 — are an affront on human rights. These laws harm children and communities, go against accepted medical advice, and NEBRA stands firmly against these laws, any like them, and the hate that they represent. Kids deserve to be kids, people deserve to be who they are. Trans rights are human rights.
Community and inclusion are an integral part of sports and competition. We believe that all athletes regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity are and should be welcome to compete and play. No discriminatory anti-trans laws are currently under review in NEBRA states, but we feel it’s important to state unequivocally – ALL athletes are welcome at our races and in our community. We will not stand for intolerance or discrimination. We want ALL athletes – including trans athletes – to know that they are welcome, safe, and valued at NEBRA events. We believe that the NEBRA Transgender Athlete Policy (which aligns with USA Cycling’s policy that has been in place for years) is a fair and common-sense approach to categorizing transgender athletes in amateur sporting events.
Regarding the 2022 Cyclocross World Championships, currently planned for Fayetteville, Arkansas, NEBRA requests that USA Cycling make a good-faith effort to relocate the event to a state that is not actively infringing on human rights, and that our membership reconsider attending should the event not be moved. Holding the event after the passage of SB289, which allows doctors and medical professionals to deny care to transgender individuals, is inconsistent with USA Cycling’s Transgender Athlete Policy, Article D, Section 2: “Members shall have an equal opportunity to participate in bicycle racing without discrimination.” Participating in competitive cycling has the potential for requiring medical care, and in Arkansas, discrimination against some members has been now legalized.
We stand in solidarity with trans athletes to denounce these policies that place our members rights and health in danger. NEBRA adamantly believes that athletes can and should compete in categories that align with their gender identity, and that any who disagree should find other events to attend.