Lumen sent us the below study. They make an innovative, breath-based metabolism measurement device, giving you a whole new set of numbers to obsess over. It’s also perfect for when you want to check if the cardarine you ordered off the dark web is legit without having to pee on anything.
Here’s Chris Froome earning a few quid chatting about it:
Lumen, the creators of the world’s first metabolism measurement device through the breath, have further validated the effectiveness of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts by measuring their impact on our metabolism.
Based on data from over one million metabolism measurements, 60% of HIIT workouts resulted in shifting the body from carb to fat burn, which is 25% higher than running, and almost triple recreational sports such as volleyball.
Endorsed by athletes such as four-time Tour de France champion Chris Froome and U.S swimming pro Michael Andrew, who measure the impact of their training on their metabolism as an innovative way to further optimize performance at an elite level.
“Lumen has been a great tool for me to use in preparation for the upcoming Tour,” says Chris Froome. Which is probably not a great endorsement of the product, to be honest.
While HIIT workouts have gained popularity since the U.S. government recommended this short and rigorous style of training within its physical activity guidelines, the Lumen research team have uncovered extensive data on how it impacts our metabolic fuel source.
Between all available workouts on the app such as walking, outdoor running, and others, HIIT had the greatest impact on the flexibility of the metabolism, which is the ability to switch between carbs and fats as a fuel source.
“Now our data asserts that we can train our metabolism by working out according to what really works for our body and triggers that metabolism shift to fat burn,” says Michal Mor founder of Lumen and PhD in Physiology, Cardiac Science.
The benefits of having a flexible metabolism are numerous.
Research (Calcada et al, Gormsen et al) finds that people with good metabolic flexibility:
- Find it easier to lose weight and maintain it.
- Are in a better position to gain muscle and perform better during workouts.
- Are at lower risk of developing obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders.
Through the Co2 concentration in a single breath, the Lumen device provides a daily measurement of the body’s main energy sources-fats or carbs on a scale of 1 to 5, based on RER (respiratory exchange ratio).
Scientific Validation
Lumen can provide numerous insights about the metabolism of an individual, as well as valuable scientific data to increase knowledge of metabolic flexibility and nutrition. In a study conducted by San Francisco State University, Lumen has been validated to meet the gold standard for metabolic measurement.
About Lumen
Lumen helps people improve their health and fitness through technology on the forefront of personalized nutrition and metabolism. Conceived and designed by twin sisters, physiology PhDs and Ironman winners, Lumen harnesses the power of our breath to measure metabolism, which is closely linked to weight, fitness and personal health. The Lumen device measures metabolism in a single breath, in less than a minute, which previously was only possible through an hour-long lab test.
Available at, Lumen devices ship globally, with the app available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Lumen is headquartered in Israel, with offices in the United States.