It’s fair to say that the Summer of ‘21 could not be more keenly anticipated. As a toast to the easing of restrictions, Small Beer – specialists in brewing classic styles below 2.8% ABV – have launched an exclusive, sustainably sourced cycling jersey, designed to celebrate getting out of the house and onto the open road.
Much in the same way that Small Beer serves as an answer to the everyday extremes of either ‘drinking’ or ‘not drinking’, its limited edition jersey is a rallying cry to enjoy the freedom of local adventure after an eternity of lockdown at home. To help raise awareness of the importance that exercise has on our physical and mental health, 100% of profits will be donated to MIND Mental Health Charity.

Partnering with cycling stalwarts Paria, the vibrant and eye catching design aims to brighten even the cloudiest of rides, with cues taken from Small Beer’s brand colours, bottle and brewing kit shapes to make up the geometric pattern. Through the partnership, both brands have worked together to produce a jersey made using Green Soul Technology, a material composed of 100% sustainable, recycled fibres which have been treated with the highest standards of environmental dyeing and finishing processes. In sourcing this material, Small Beer and Paria have created a jersey that provides maximum performance with minimum impact on the planet.
To ensure their environmental efforts go full circle, Small Beer has also worked with Paria to introduce an end of life recycling scheme, where customers are invited to send old jerseys back to the retailer to be upcycled. Those who send in the old jersey their new one is replacing, will be rewarded with discounts on both Small Beer and Paria’s online stores.

As part of encouraging riders to get out on the open road, Small Beer is running a competition on social media, challenging riders to tag the brand in a route on Strava that draws the shape of the iconic Small Beer stubby bottle. The winner will receive a prize of a mixed case of Small Beer.
To compliment the launch of their Summer of ‘21 cycling jersey, Small Beer have also released a limited edition, all organic, all British sourced 2.3% IPA to serve as the ultimate post-ride refreshment.