
Cycling news and humor from industry veterans

First Look at the Meilan Cute Eye Smartlight

I don’t know if it’s because my sarcasm doesn’t translate correctly, but Meilan has taken a shine to me.

And a shine is what they’re offering in their latest product: the Cute Eye. I’m assuming it’s a real product rather than an extremely elaborate pickup line.

That video is actually all I’ve seen of it. Dark sneak peeks are all the rage these days. But here’s what I know:

Cute Eye is a smart light that provides turn signals on your bike, which is pretty revolutionary. It’s been done before, kind of, but in quite dorky ways.

You pair it with your Meilan computer–it works across their entire GPS product range–and/or pair with the Meilan app. When you’ve got a route loaded, the Cute Eye will signal left or right for your turns, so your group or the cars behind you know your intentions.

Meilan says this will “decrease the possibility of danger to lowest,” which is reassuring.

This is a first-of-its-kind product, and offers some fun innovation from a company that’s quietly doing a few cool things with their products at the moment. It’ll be launched soon, along with more details. And I’ll share them, finally completing my mission to turn Cyclry into a Meilan fan site.