
Cycling news and humor from industry veterans

Hammerhead Karoo 2 Pre-Orders Are About to Open

Ah, the Hammerhead Karoo 2. I’ve already collected every detail into one handy package: Hammerhead Karoo 2 release date, price, and tech specs. It’s the best guide to Hammerhead’s new device available anywhere on the internet, if I do say so myself.

Well, soon that article’s going to be redundant, so please click an ad on your way out. Hammerhead has today announced that it’s about to open pre-orders on the Karoo 2.

The Karoo 2 has so far been a series of announcements about announcements, but this looks like the real deal. Pre-orders open next week and we’ll get a lot more information about the device.

Will it be Monday? Or maybe Thursday, like their software releases? Well, I already know, but I promised not to tell.

I’ll be sure to copy and paste whatever press release Hammerhead sends me when pre-orders finally open. But you won’t read it, because you’ll already be on their site. What if I promise to include some really good jokes?