May 2, 2019. “INEOS’ jersey and their inspiration”
Author: Harold Dalton
July 9, 2019. Burghardt stealing caps from innocent children That look of satisfaction as he walks away *chef’s kiss*
July 19, 2019. “10 Years from now Alaphilippe’s dirty little secret finally gets revealed” We watched Lance Armstrong’s confession with Phil Liggett because he was commentating in our studio that day. We’re never going to be allowed to write that story up though.
July 13, 2019. “Low effort meme” Simpsons memes: so hot right now. This is one of the few memes on the calendar that could actually be recognized as a meme by non-cycling fans. It gets our stamp of approval.
September 1, 2019. “Esteban Chaves is kindly offered Damian Howson’s bike (2019, decolorized)” Possibly a joke as old as cycling itself. We’d have to reach out to Benjo Maso to know for sure. We’ve found Derailed’s first-ever iteration of this joke, and it’s a bit fucking wordy to be quite honest.
July 20, 2019. “Winning the tour” Sadly not. There was some serious effort put into matching the heads in this meme though. We’d like to congratulate u/[deleted], but alas.
Here’s another really long one. Get ready to scroll down. July 26, 2019. “How to win the Tour in 20 simple steps”Well that was a load of fucking shit
September 29, 2019. “Ok, which one of you did this.” If you see something in real life, it’s sure to be a Redditor who did it, rather than just a pissed up Belgian. This is a perfectly cromulent meme though.