May 4, 2019. “How I explain cycling to my friends.”
Author: Harold Dalton
Count down the days to Omloop Het Nieuwsblad Christmas with Cyclry’s 2019 cycling memes advent calendar. All memes obviously stolen from Reddit. Where else would we steal them from?
PowerTap’s heart-rate power meter is a novel invention that brings live power data to any ride at a fraction of the price of a traditional power meter. And, best of all, it’s an instant, accessible way to get on Zwift, no matter whatever other equipment you’re using.
Part 6: Conclusion (& Bibliography). The case study of erythropoietin in the Tour de France is intriguing precisely because it acts in ways not fully explored by feminist critique, yet it nevertheless continues to reify the perceived “natural” boundaries upon which gender- and race-based oppressions make their foundations.
Feeling spooky? Well, One Got Fat isn’t really scary, but it’s certainly a creepy way of presenting a road safety PSA. These guys aimed for Dr Seuss and hit Creepy Cheap Netflix Horror Movie. Happy Halloween, ride safe, and enjoy the video.
As of today, Strava have ended Bluetooth sensor support in its iPhone and Android apps, effectively ending support for the smartphone-as-bike-computer for all but the most basic of use-cases.
Introducing Patliacci, the comic-based adaptation of 2008’s feud between the ASO and UCI, which used the opera Pagliacci as a framing device. This was bemusingly high-concept stuff. Shout out to the three people who understand whatever point it was we were trying to make!
Part Five: The discourses surrounding banned performance-enhancing techniques perpetuate gendered and raced narratives of natural difference. Biological difference is predicated on a discursive “natural order” that is reified by the rigid definitions of natural and artificial permitted by the very existence of banned performance enhancing techniques.