Blacking out our internet presence is the very least we can do today. Literally. But as an act of solidarity, it allows us to show support without inserting our voices into a discussion that isn’t about us.
Cycling has its own issues with race. So does sport as a concept. And these issues are not always clear or communicated in a way that makes it apparent that we’re actively participating in narratives that are reproducing oppressive discourses.
Contemporary race theory separates racism as systemic and prejudice as individual, and forces us to confront a harsh truth: we are all complicit in racism, albeit often unknowingly.
Censoring oneself today shows solidarity, but is inefficient in effecting change. This is the moment when our voices must be loudest. But the world won’t change with us saying only that prejudice is bad. We must also confront the ideological boundaries that we choose not to see.
– Official George Floyd Memorial Fundraiser
– Minnesota Freedom Fund
– Black Lives Matter
– Souls of Black Folks by WEB DuBois
– Karma of Brown Folks by Vijay Prashad
– Racial Formations by Michael Omi and Howard Winant
– Orientalism by Edward Said
– Origins and Demise of the Concept of Race by Charles Hirschman
– Racism without Racists by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
– Whiteness as Property by Cheryl Harris
– Racialization of Muslims and Empirical Studies of Islamophobia by Steve Garner and Saher Selod
– Ethnic Project by Vilna Bashi
– Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
– The Demarginalization of Sex and Gender by Kimberle Crenshaw
– re-thinking intersectionality by Jennifer Nash
– Terrorist Assemblages by Jasbir Puar
– Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
– Intersectionality and the Study of Black, Sexual Minority Women by Mignon Moore
– Against the Closet: Black Political Longing and the Erotics of Race by Aaliyah Abdur-Rahman
– White Bound by Matthew Hughey
– The Future of Whiteness: A Map of the Third Wave by Francis Widdance Twine and Charles Gallagher