Boring bike race winner turned boring bike race loser Chris Froome is no stranger to partnering with brands of questionable quality as he seeks to top up his pension fund.
His latest venture is so fucking stupid that you’ve already read other websites taking the piss out of it. We spotted them muscling in our action. But it’s fair.
Introducing New York’s Hottest Fashion Brand: Hanes Bulky T
This time he’s partnered with a company that sounds like a made-up luxury brand from a Grand Theft Auto knockoff. British London, or whatever it’s called, sells overpriced fashion items out of their global base in New York City, because where the fuck else would they be based honestly?
And these are not just any fashion items: they’re the kind of ugly bullshit your character would wear in a game in 2007. Wait, like Grand Theft Auto again? If we’ve been sucked into another videogame, we’ll be upset.
The Shit Clothing He’s Selling
Can’t be bothered sharing photos. Sorry, but you’ve seen it all already. Frankly can’t even be bothered thinking of jokes about it.
There’s a white t-shirt with a small bike logo on it. Costs about $150 or something. There’s a Hot Topic hoodie with I <3 Bikes on it or some shit. That’s $1,500 because they have to go slightly further back in time to retrieve it.
Chris didn’t model any of it. His judgement is questionable, but not THAT questionable.
The End
Probably not really the end though. Looking forward to his NFT drop. Truly destroy that legacy, Chris.