I (27M) got into a heated discussion with some strangers (12,13,14F). AITA?
I was preparing for the biggest day in my job the next day, and decided to abandon my work mates. I told them I had a cold but really it was to bonk my SO. I felt refreshed after this, and was confident on ending my work year on a high after the man working for my rival company (28M) had a much better year, this was my time to shine.
Some Australian teenage girls (12,13,14) knocked on my door saying something in a strange English accent I couldn’t understand (I’m Dutch originally). I presumed they wanted to know what I was going to do the next day, so I followed them back to their room to demonstrate how I would box in my rival at the final of my day, and knock over anyone who was looking like they would overtake me.
Because of the language barrier, they got upset, the police were called, I was arrested and ended up underperforming at my job the next day, and everyone thinks I’m a child beater, but I was just having some fun with some strangers.