Hustle City is a game about being a bike messenger. That’s all we’ve seen so far, but apparently it’s really about climbing the ranks from that humble beginning to becoming a “bona fide megastar.” In other words, it’s a real game, with objectives, and a story, and, um, chapters you have to pay to access.
Oh yeah, and it connects to your smart trainer. And also includes full steering support, which you can do with your smartphone. Our friends at Sol Cycling were the first gaming-focused Zwift alternative featured on Cyclry (or perhaps we should count that GTA5 mod), and now Hustle City looks to bring the experience back down to Earth. You’ll cruise through–presumably–New York streets using your bike and smart trainer to control not only your speed and power, but also the directions you travel in a free-roaming world.
Now Hustle City is about to launch. We’ve got all the details… but the game’s publisher says we’re not allowed to share them. In truth, it seems like they kind of want us to break the secret, but this type of reverse psychology never works on us because we’re so lazy that if you tell us not to write about something then we just won’t write about something.
Anyway. The game is about to launch. Maybe it’ll happen this month? Maybe early next week? We couldn’t possibly say.
And it’ll probably launch as a pre-order, because that makes sense, right? But it’ll be a short pre-order period, maybe about a week, because… umm… Well who knows, maybe it won’t be that.
There’s another thing about the format of the game and how much you’ll get on release day, etc. etc., but we’re not sure how much they’ve publicly shared about any of it.
They’ve told us to keep it cryptic, so here’s our final word on the matter:

Our Verdict
We don’t fucking know because it only supports iPhones at the moment. Do we seem like the type of people who buy iPhones?
It looks really cool, we just need a version that works on Dells from 2014.
Anyway, we’ve done enough fixie riding in big cities that we’re happy to wait until the iPhone types have had their fill. Look out for a review on here eventually.