
Cycling news and humor from industry veterans

Dispatch from the Towards Zero Race Torquay

It’s the Towards Zero Race Torquay! Kind of looks like Race Towards Zero in the website hero, which is pretty confusing.

Come to think of it, there’s something even stranger about that pic.

The Race Torquay is a new addtion under the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race umbrella. It’s two UCI 1.1 circuit races, one for men and one for women (ugh, don’t get us started), on a breathtakingly beautiful 16km circuit in South Australia.

Towards Zero is actually a regional vision zero commitment to stop road deaths. We looked it up. So ignore the joke we made about its name above, because it’s a great cause. We thought it was a surfing company or something.

Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race – Race Torquay

Alright, the race.

This is what we in the media call an establishing shot. Sort of.

A fine restaurant on the circuit. For VIPs. You didn’t think we really meant what we wrote last week, right?

Hey look it’s Cadel Evans (left).

Just chilling. I guess that baby belongs to someone else.

Here’s a coffee. Did Cadel serve it to us? He might have! (He didn’t.)

The women’s race. We’d have to check the inbox, but Rally is usually the only women’s sponsor to email us press releases about their race results. Hopefully that woman on the right-hand side wins so we can paste the release instead of writing something ourselves.

Ah, this takes us back to Mike Smith calling Tony Gibb to the front of the start line at various depressing circuit races on Humberside. Just kidding! Don’t email us your Humberside opinions.

A didgeridoo to start the race. Also some kind of smoking leaves. Burning foliage isn’t exactly in short supply in Australia right now, so maybe it just rolled across the start line like a tumbleweed.

Sarah Gigante.

Probably the cutest stuffed animals we’ve ever seen handed out as race prizes.

Lexus sponsors a lot of Aussie bike racing. Hmm. We could review a Lexus, if any Lexus marketing managers are reading.

Modern bikes are ugly. Sorry.

This was also going on

Australia’s hottest indie band.