Absolute Cycling, makers of the upcoming bike computer that we’re sure was once called the Absolute One but now seems to be the Absolute Cycling System, have announced that first their series of navigation tests have been successful. Absolute told us, “To finally experience our custom designed maps on the bright and high-res screen is amazing.” That’s quite a big deal, since it’s easy to get wrong. Though that other navigation-focused bike computer company just trundled on with maps and navigation never quite getting the point where it truly worked before they launched their next product, so we’ll refrain from cheering too loudly until we’ve used it.

What’s in the new test phase?
Absolute tells us, “After we completed the first test phase, we fully focused on the development. Almost all hardware parts are new. The aluminium and plastic housing is produced in the Netherlands. The internal components such as antenna, gps receiver and chips have been replaced by the best quality components. Besides the hardware we can also test the stability of the new firmware and software of the complete Absolute Cycling System consisting of bike computer, app and cloud.”
So they’re testing the hardware, the firmware, and the software of the computer, it’s app, and their cloud dashboard. Sounds like literally every single thing to us.
When will the Absolute Cycling One launch?
Late 2022. That’s our estimation, and it seems in line with what Absolute has told us. The perennially-delayed device hit a stumbling block last summer during the global chip shortage that continues to affect electronics manufacturers worldwide. They optimistically suspected that they could launch by the end of 2021, but that has now passed with the global chip and component shortage issues only intensifying. So late 2022. At best.
Let’s finish on a happy note. They say, “We appreciate all the emails with endless tips and ideas we receive that gives us the urge to develop the smartest cycling computer in the world.” Swell, good luck.