Not sure how to feel about this one. Looks like an awesome platform and challenge, but all their pre-release media stuff involved riding with Floyd Landis as a sponsor of the challenge. It just feels like a betrayal to our past selves if we’re promoting something to do with Floyd Landis after all the horrible things we’ve written about him.

So, reluctantly: Race Republic has officially launched its indoor training and event platform, taking participants on a photo-realistic journey up Mt. Everest. As a way of doing an Everesting, it doesn’t get much better than that.
“Everesting” has become a pandemic pastime for many cyclists, a way to challenge themselves and push the limits close to home. Race Republic aims to shake things up with their virtual Everest Challenge – pushing riders to attempt something no one has done, summit Everest by bicycle in a single shot, straight uphill.
At 29,032 feet of vertical gain over 100 miles at an average grade of 6%, it’s a cycling workout like no other. The course is an accurate virtual route up Mount Everest, with stunning graphics. You’ll climb to base camp, traverse the Khumbu Icefall and make your way to the summit. The ability to toggle gradient allows each rider to fine-tune the event to their energy level and fitness.

Everesting was formerly a niche in cycling, but socially-distanced rides early in the pandemic became a perfect venue for the challenge. “Non-Virtual Everesting” takes place on a suitable road which is climbed then descended enough times to reach the necessary vertical ascent. With the Everest Challenge you’ll be climbing the whole time with zero downhill. Sounds… horrible!
Participants can register for the Everest Challenge now.
Race Republic will be offering an equal purse $5,000 cash prize for the first man and woman who break the existing record. If multiple men and women break the record before December 31, then the fastest time by January 31, 2022, will be the winner. The current women’s world record is 8:33:47, men’s record is 6:40:54.
P.S. It’s sponsored by Floyd’s of Leadville. Get High With Floyd.