fizik must be under the strain of the Coronavirus. We feel for the poor Communications Associate who couldn’t convince the company that they don’t necessarily have to make a statement on the COVID-19 outbreak.
Here’s their message

Today we won’t talk about new products or projects, or which fizik rider won last weekend’s race.
Soon we hope to return to our traditional communication, but today we want to talk about serious responsibilities we all share.
It’s time to be aware.
It’s time to reflect on the rhythm of life, as right now some of us are not able to live life fully.
It’s time to be responsible to ourselves and to others.
Many will be asked to make sacrifices, even sacrifices for the sport we love.
Like we are used to riding in a group- we must work together.
Now is the time to act as a community during this global crisis.
Cyclist’s and fizik fans alike, let’s face this critical moment responsibly and take our cycling behavior seriously.
When this period is over and we return to supporting our athletes and experiencing even more magnificent adventures together, stronger than before, we will know that these gestures we took, which may have seemed small at the time, were really worth the effort.
So we ask everyone to follow their local health ordinances – and stay strong!