Some real infectious enthusiasm here from Julien Bernard. Incredible stuff. And to think this is after they asked him to smile.
He’s holding the Wahoo Elemnt Roam—no, we’re not doing their stupid capitalization—because Trek-Segafredo’s 43 riders are now contractually-obliged to race and train with the Elemnt Roam bike computer and Tickr heart-rate monitor.
Trek-Segafredo’s Technical Manager, Matt Shriver, has this to say: “When we began testing the Wahoo cycling computers for racing and training, we quickly realized the advantages. Setting up out of the box is a breeze using the riders’ smartphone and the Wahoo Elemnt app. Within minutes you can set up customized data fields on the computer for each athlete. The size and weight of the units are competitive, as well as the quality of the display. What is particularly pleasing is that Wahoo is very engaged directly with the teams for feedback and continuous improvement. It is refreshing to have a partner working closely with our Team to improve the professional athlete and customer experience.”
Which is all true, apart from maybe the size of the thing. Quite the coincidence that he hits all of Wahoo’s talking points though. What are the chances?
Still, they’ve landed a good partnership. Wahoo makes great gear, and probably would have the best head units out there but for a recent resurgence from Garmin. And full credit to Wahoo, they’re supporting the women’s team too.
They also sent us a quote from Mike Saturnia, Wahoo CEO: “We are excited to be working with a team that has so much history in the sport of cycling. Trek-Segafredo has a passion for developing and progressing both male and female riders, bringing them through the ranks to the WorldTour. They are an impressive team that shares many of the values we hold so highly at Wahoo.”

Cheer up Julien, at least it’s not a [bike computer name redacted because they’ll start sending angry emails about us to various people in the cycling industry again].