Ever wanted to ride your bike through the scenic Scottish Highlands? Great! Now you can. Ever wanted to ride your bike in Glasgow? Gr– oh. Well, you can do that too, if you ever change your mind.

Zwift has released its Scotland map. But the map’s existence has never been a secret, with Zwift openly sharing its plans to add the 2023 Worlds location. Its first public appearance was as the finale of the 2023 Tour de Zwift.
The new map includes enchanted forests, winding climbs, and a shimmering loch. You absolutely know, absolutely, that there’s a monster in that lake.
The 2023 Worlds is a special one because it unites all the cycling disciplines. That’s given Zwift freedom to make the map much more interesting than that Richmond one nobody ever uses: it is the host map of the 2023 UCI Esports World Championship. Each route has been designed with every level of racing in mind. They say it’s the ultimate playground for riders and racers alike. Presumably with less crying and dog shit than actual playgrounds in Scotland though.
New Tartan Kit
There’s a new tartan kit. Of course there is.
More About the Routes and Easter Eggs
We were going to write this ourselves, but Zwift Insider beat us to it. And they wrote it better than we ever would. We’d have added a joke about finding hypodermic needles in the bushes or something, just absolutely ruin the article for everyone.