(Content Warning: One of the fake signatures included a word/phrase we wouldn’t have posted in 2021. It was included to illustrate that the poster was an insufferable manchild. We’ve kept it in and posted this warning, but please tell us if there’s another way you’d prefer for us to approach these types of issues.)
Ah, forums. A mainstay of the old, good internet, before we all jumped ship to Twitter and Facebook and a million other stupid fucking things that stopped people reading brick and mortar websites like Cyclry.
Of course, we also fucking hated cycling forums too. A load of know-it-all teenage blerts and rude old men. This recurring feature was created with that hatred in mind, especially in how quickly it gets derailed from Spring Classics self-promotion into Tour de France noise into doping libel.
Anyway, half these imaginary knobheads are now working at FloBikes or some other place that has no issue hiring someone called LongLeggedFDJChick (now married to someone who signed up on Twitter as FDJBoy just to bask in association clout).
The View from the Forums: Spring Classics
End-March 2010 Issue
Cipo (145 posts)
Who do you think will perform well in the Spring Classics this year? See my predictions on www.MyStupidFuckingWebsiteIPromoteEverywhereAsThoughItllGetMeAJobAsAJournalist.com
cervelo1992 (212 posts)
s. chavanel is going to beast it lol
9/10 people enjoy gang rape
Roy (7,655 posts)
Boonen, Pozzato, Cancellara will be there or thereabouts in all the important ones, that’s quite obvious. I wonder where Frank and Andy Schleck are this year though. We’ve seen nothing of them yet that suggests they’ll feature in the spring classics or indeed the Tour!
Gordon Brown sold the gold. Make him pay it back >:0
Sidi (12,176 posts)
Even if we had seen them, you’re giving them far too much credit in the TT than they deserve. Nobody can stop Contador this year, he might as well pedal with his dick
Nuff said
LadyCyclist (13,411 posts)
“he might as well pedal with his dick“
Girls can ride bikes too.
William_in_Belgium (9,934 posts)
Lance is old, Frank and Andy don’t have form, Sastre was lucky, Cuddles doesn’t have the mental strength. Only Wiggins can come close to Contador in the Tour. Do you think he’ll be able to edge Contador out?
I am an authority on cycling
baSTARd (26,532 posts)
Wiggins was on a tier-2 doping programme in 2009 and surprised everyone. Can you seriously imagine a team risking a tier-1 on an unproven rider like Wiggo? This year he’ll be on a tier-1 doping programme and should win the Tour comfortably.
Where Money Goes, Dope Will Follow. And Lance Gets All The Money.
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